Case study


Be An Energy Shopper

Ofgem is Great Britain’s independent energy regulator. They work to protect energy consumers, especially vulnerable people, by ensuring they are treated fairly and benefit from a cleaner, greener environment.

what we worked on
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The goal

Few consumers knew it was possible to shop for a better energy deal. Instead, they stayed stuck in a contract that might not be to their advantage.

OFGEM wanted to inform consumers and bring attention to the situation.

The solution

Two videos of 15 seconds and 6-second cut downs to share on Youtube and other social platforms.

The challenge

OFGEM doesn't do a lot of marketing. The challenge was to strike the right tone to communicate the message and stay aligned with the organisation.


They wanted the video to differ from their traditional communication and be more creative. So I pitched idea that had an element of surprise to engage and retain the audience’s attention.
I was commissioned to make a series of two commercials. This video is called "The breakup speech", it plays with humour and and element of surprise.

Outcome: Online visibility and more awareness

One promotional video of 30 seconds was made for the Be An Energy Shopper campaign. Cut downs of 15 seconds and 6 seconds were created to bring more awareness and provide more visibility online. 
More people are changing energy suppliers. As of 2020 six million people switched energy suppliers.

Create videos for your business

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